
Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Find a place that’s safe to settle down
Find a song that sings to your soul
Then when demons wake to take a piece of you
You’ll still be whole

Find a laugh, a craft to call your own
Find a voice, rejoice in the plan
Then when troubles block and knock your certitude
You still can stand

And if compete – defeat possesses you
And when the game of blame obsesses you
And still the spear of fear oppresses you
Where can you turn?

And so a blast of past remembering
Ignites the flame of shame that’s slumbering
And fires the fist – the list of numbering
What you must burn.

Find someone to run the race with you
Find a verse that nurses your heart
Then when comes the clout of doubt to clobber you
You’ll dodge that dart

Find a place that’s safe to settle down
Find a song that sings to your soul
Then when demons wake to take a piece of you
You’ll still be whole

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